Sunday, September 4, 2011

Something: Borrowed

My Something Borrowed comes with a little bit of history and a whole lot of love. First off, I am going to share some information. Let me introduce you to my Grandma and Grandpa. These two love birds were married in June of 1960.

Hot dang they look incredible. They have been married for over 50 years. In fact, here is a photo of them from their surprise 50th wedding anniversary party.

On a separate but similar note, here is a photo of my Mom and Dad when they were married in October of 1984.

My Mom isn't too happy about this picture hitting the good ol' world wide web. I think she is crazy, they look quite dashing. Beautiful, young and in love.  It's the whole 80's thing that gets to her. But frankly, what 80's bride doesn't have the big hair, blue eye shadow and Princess Diana thing going on? They all do! You just have to embrace the era and know that you rocked it because you were in style.

Here they are on their surprise 25th wedding anniversary party. Yah, my family really likes surprise parties.

{hey look, it's the entire Doe fam-bam}

You're probably wondering by now where exactly am I getting at with all of this and how this relates to my "Something Borrowed." Well let's play a little guessing game shall we? What do these two photos have in common? Look very closely....

Okay that was mean. They do have something in common, you just can't see what it is. They are both wearing the same garter. That garter was a gift from my Great-Great Grandma to my Grandma.

In 1960 my Grandma wore that garter on her wedding day. Then in 1984 my Mom also wore that same garter on her wedding day. This garter is 51 years old and I am lucky enough that my Grandma is letting me borrow it to wear for my wedding day. You would like to see a photo wouldn't you? Okay here she is:

Dainty, beautiful and full of family history. I can promise you one thing though, there will be no flinging of this garter. We'll have to get a spare for that fun moment. But I can't wait to wear it proudly and carry on the tradition.

What will your Something Borrowed be?

{All photos are personal}

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