Friday, March 2, 2012

A Cork Board Collage

Remember way back when I wanted to include photos of us when we were younger, somewhere at the wedding?

Let me rephrase that, only the cute photos of us from when we were younger. Mr. Buck was always cute...but I had my days back when I was a pre-teen. Then again, who didn't?

I also wanted to include photos of us from the past ten years. I was going mad trying to figure out a proper way to do all of this. While one day when browsing a Home Goods store in Roseville, CA, I passed by something that called out to me. It literally was singing out my name and glowing.

 I'm sure nobody else in the store was seeing what I was seeing. I knew instantly though that this would be perfect for what I wanted to do with a collage. It was a large white cork board for only $20. Not just any cork board though, a pretty one that resembled a large picture frame.

I bought a pack of small straight pins with a rounded black tip to use to pin the pictures to the cork board. It was quite difficult narrowing down all of the photos I wanted to use. However, I decided it would be best to do two rows of us when we were young and three rows of us together from the past ten years. 

I still need to play around with the placement of the photos, and there is a chance by the time the wedding rolls around that some of these photos will be swapped out. For the most part though, this is exactly what I had envisioned. We can set this up on an easel near the welcome table for people to look at as they arrive. 

I also might add a bow somewhere on the white part, just to jazz it up a bit. 

While I was at it, I decided to buy two of these cork boards while they still had them in stock. The other cork board I am going to use for the seating chart. That way everything stays all matchy-matchy. 

What do you think of my cork board photo collage? How do you plan to display photos at your wedding? 

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