Friday, February 17, 2012

SUIT UP! the legendary Barney Stinson would say.

{Image via Fan Pop}

Unfortunately, the guys were not able to get suits. I just really wanted to quote Barney.

We had planned on renting suits for the guys. However, apparently you cannot rent suits at Mens Wearhouse (or anywhere?) The guys did not seem to mind though, probably because they looked in the mirror and saw how handsome they all look.

We decided to James Bond this shiz, and do all black and white. The colors they had available were not going to match correctly to the green bridesmaid dresses, and you really can't go wrong with black and white.

Mr. Buck tried on a few jacket styles:

Mom Doe straightening out the tie situation.

We caught Dad Doe getting a little too comfy in a chair, reading the ever important book "A Gentleman Gets Dressed Up." Oh dad.

Here is the final winner. We decided on a shawl type jacket, with black vests. The groomsman will all have black ties, and Mr. Buck will be in a white tie. 

When it came to dressing the dad's, we were a little confused on the protocol. They basically told us they need to be at the same formality as the groomsman. We all really liked the style of tuxedo that we chose for the groomsman, so we decided the dad's should be in the same style. Yet they will be set apart by having a different tie. Dad Doe will be in a blue and black striped tie, and Dad Buck will be in a black striped tie.

This was definitely a successful trip, and Men's Wearhouse was very pleasant and easy to work with. On top of that, I received a coupon in the mail that gave us $40 off each rental. Not too shabby!

What will your groomsman be dressed in? Will you add in some color, or go the classic black and white route?

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