Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Fear The Beard

Nope, I am not talking about this guy:

{Image via Bleacher Report}

For those of you duck hunting wives out there, I am also not talking about these dudes:

{Image via Wing Supply}

I am referring to my bearded fiance, Mr. Buck. You see, it's been a major debate in our house lately on whether or not he should keep his beard for the wedding. You would be surprised on which side of the argument each of us is on. 

I think he should keep the beard, and go to a nice barber shop and have it professionally trimmed and shaped for the wedding.

He loves his beard, but he is worried that it would be a mistake to keep it for the wedding. He is thinking he should shave it off.

I tried to go back through the last few years to find some photos of him with and without a beard. Here's the thing....I can't exactly find any photos of him without one. He always has a beard. He lets it get crazy during hunting season, then the rest of the year he just keeps it trimmed. 

This is a hunting season beard:

This is a nicely trimmed, non-hunting season beard:

Isn't he good looking? ;)
I believe his biggest concern is that he will look back at our wedding photos, and wonder why he has a beard. Things can change over the years, and who knows...maybe someday he will be a non-bearded guy.

For now though, the beard doesn't bother me...and it's kind of his why shave it?

Ultimately, it is up to him. I have no idea which direction he will decide to go. All I gotta say is, with all we have on our plates as brides, thank goodness we don't have to worry about whether or not to shave our facial hair.

Well most of us, I guess. :)

How do you feel about your guy being clean shaven or with facial hair for the wedding? Did it surprise you what kind of small and random decisions need to be made shortly before the big day?

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