Thursday, February 16, 2012

100 Days

Say what? When did this happen? It seems like just yesterday the wedding was light years away. I remember when we hit the one year mark, and I was jumping up and down because there was only 365 days left. Now we are nearly 3 months out from the wedding.

I don't need to remind you how fast time flies. You all know this to be true.

Suddenly though, I am starting to feel a little pinch of nervousness. Not because I am getting married, I am completely ready for that. I am feeling that pinch because that precious gift of time is quickly running out. That hour glass now has more sand on the bottom than on top.

I still need to get my dress altered. The guys need to find something to wear. I need to straighten out the rehearsal lunch situation. Oh yeah, and don't  even get me started on all of those half finished projects that I still need to complete. All of these last minute things are starting to pile up.

I worry constantly that all of my projects won't flow together the way I had hoped. The other day I actually started to re-do a project because I was worried the shade of green didn't match everything else. What kind of crazy person am I? I literally stopped myself, backed away, and said no-don't do this to yourself. It doesn't matter, and nobody will notice or even care.

When it comes down to it, I know I am ready and prepared. I think that because I had so much time to work on everything, I am now able to sit back and obsess over whether or not it looks the way I want it to.

The good thing is that I still have 3 months to fix something if I need to.

The bad thing is that it really isn't necessary, and I am going to go bananas if I continue to do this to myself.

All of these things that I am worried about though are so minuscule in the grand scheme of things. I know that is the honest truth, but my type A personality still likes to sneak up on me every now and then. :)

What about you, Hive? When time starts to run out, did you start worrying about small details that you know don't necessarily matter...but bother you all the same?

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