Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Working On My Fitness

You guys, I just discovered the most incredible thing for weight loss. It's seldom used, but works like a charm.

Oh yeah it's uhhh, called exercise. I've been lying to myself for years thinking all those fad diets work. You name it, i've tried it. I even tried that all liquid "Hollywood" diet. Yeah, I nearly passed out on that one.

News flash, none of that works. Maybe it will help you lose a little weight here and there, but nothing that will keep the weight off.

In reality, we all know what the magic spell is....eating healthy and exercising. I always thought I could get away with the former, but in reality I need both. It is not fun, in fact I absolutely loathe exercise. I kept putting it off because I had a really awesome reason why I shouldn't lose weight.

Are you ready for this? Here it goes: I already had my dress, what if I lose so much weight that they can't alter it enough?

I know, I know...horrible excuse. We all know dresses can be taken in. I was just avoiding the hard work that comes with weight loss.

I now have a treadmill in my house, so there are zero excuses. I just need to roll out of bed in the morning and get my tooshie moving. Lately I have been feeling really great and I can tell that I am improving. Running farther, lasting longer...that kind of thing. Yet, I still feel like this sometimes:

{Image via Pinterest}

Okay are you done laughing hysterically? I know I am not the only one that feels that way. I huff and puff on that treadmill and barely make it sometimes. I am quite certain I look ridiculous the majority of the time. I have to keep in mind though that I am better off today than what I was yesterday. I know that I am making progress, even though it might be slow. 

My dress fitting is in approximately three months, which means I need to get serious here. It is time to achieve buns of steel. No more working out when I "feel like it." Let's get real, when do I EVER feel like it? I just have to set my routine and stick with it. The last thing I want to do is look back on my wedding pictures twenty years from now and regret not achieving my goal.

Who else has taken up exercise to try and lose some weight for your wedding? How's it working out for ya?

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