Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Fakeagement Ring

I know I haven't talked at all about where we are going on our honeymoon, but lets just say it is out of the country. Let's also just say that every time I go on vacation, I lose something. Such as my favorite Juicy Couture jacket that I had found for $20 at Marshalls that I am convinced got stolen. (Obviously I am still a little upset about that one.) Also jewelry, favorite makeup name it. I don't know what it is, I must have a hole in my suitcase or something.

This got me thinking (read: freaking out) that something would happen to my wedding ring while on our honeymoon. I wouldn't be able to wear my ring while we are out snorkeling or swimming. I also wouldn't feel comfortable leaving it in our hotel room. This is quite the conundrum, what do I do to keep my ring safe?

The easy answer is to not bring it at all on our honeymoon. However, i'm not really down with not wearing my wedding ring as a brand new newlywed.

Enter the "fakeagement ring." (Surprisingly, I made that word up. Shocking, I know.) If I can find a decent looking ring to wear on my honeymoon, then I can keep my wedding ring locked up in our safe. If something should happen to my "fakeagment ring" while on our trip, then no tears will be shed and there will be zero heartache.

I had been on the search for awhile now for the right ring. I needed it cheap in order to achieve the purpose, but I wanted it to look decent. I needed a good lookin' CZ. Where do you go to find a good lookin' CZ? Why Nordstrom of course!

I found a dramatized replica of my ring at Nordstrom for $26. I say dramatized because it is huge. I look like a real housewife of Beverly Hills wearing this ring. The reason why I chose it though is because it had the same style as my ring.

Here is a reminder of what my real engagement ring looks like:

Here is the "fakeagement ring":

Here they are side by side for comparison:

The ring on the right is fake and cost $26. The ring on the left is real, and well...didn't cost $26.

I will be sad to not be wearing my real ring while on my honeymoon. However, I would be devastated if something happened to it while traveling. I will have peace of mind knowing that my real ring is safe. If something should happen to my fake ring? Who cares!

What do you think of the "fakeagement ring" idea? Do you plan on doing something similar?

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