Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Discontinued Numbers and Dad Saves The Day

A few weeks ago I was at my mom and dad's house and they were helping me finish painting table numbers. I realized at one point when I had bought my supplies, I must have miscounted the numbers. Easy to do when you are buying so many numbers all at once. I brushed it off and said no big deal, I can run back out to Michael's to pick up the rest. My dad asked me what I was going to do if they were out. I responded with, "they ALWAYS have these in stock, I will go pick some up right now."

Guess who discontinued their wooden numbers? You got it, Michaels. I freaked out, what was I going to do? I started looking online and it seems as though many other brides did the exact same thing I did. These numbers are nowhere to be found and brides have been able to sell their used numbers for a high price. I started looking for comparable wooden numbers but just could not find anything. I finally settled with the fact that I was going to have a few mismatched numbers.

I called my dad to tell him what happened and he told me he thought he could make them himself. It was worth a shot, and so he got started crafting away.

A few hours later, one pain in the butt and tons of sawdust everywhere...he had made wooden numbers that look nearly identical to the ones that I already had. You can't even tell that some were hand made.

Since we still have a few RSVP's trickling in, he made a few extras just in case we need to add a few more tables.

So there you have it, reason gazillion why my dad is awesome and saves the day. Go dad!

Have you ever had a family member go above and beyond to help you out? As a side note, did you scramble when you found out Michaels no longer carries those wooden numbers? 

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