Wednesday, October 5, 2011

You're KILLIN' Me Smalls!

Early in our engagement I made the bold proclamation that videography was not necessary. I did not see the point...I figured nobody actually watches their video, do they?

I did some research to try and convince myself that maybe videography is important. I came across a website that details a few reasons why you should hire a videographer. Here is the general outline:

1. You forget things over the years, video helps you to remember.
2. Video gives you the opportunity to see things you missed.
3. You spend lots of money on a wedding, video gives you the chance to capture all that magic.
4. Photography is important, but video captures movement and sound. Which is nice to have for things like toasts and the first dance.
5. Remember when Aunt Bethany video taped your family reunion? Then you go back to try and watch the video but instead you get motion sickness? Yeah, a professional videographer helps avoid that.
6. Video gives the opportunity for your kids and grand kids to experience what your wedding was like. They will probably make fun of you, but isn't that worth it?
7. Should we decide we want to sit down and watch the video, we would at least have that option.

What.Was.I.THINKING! Of course video is important if I can squeeze it into the budget. Yup, I talked myself into it.

I started contacting videographers in the area and was astounded by some of the prices. I understand that maybe we can't afford the best videographer out there, but someone decent would be nice. Every vendor I contacted would respond back with an outrageous price. Then when I would tell them my actual budget, they would tell me they could accommodate that by excluding editing and only taping the ceremony. What is the point in that?! This was how I wanted to respond to every videographer I came across:

{Image via Crossfit Vallejo/Edits by Doe}

I even attempted trying to find someone on Craigslist...but that only led me to a bunch of creepers. After repeatedly pounding my head against a wall, I finally came across a local videographer and contacted him for pricing information. I was expecting and preparing myself for an outrageous price tag.

Instead he emailed me a brochure with prices that were actually affordable. Not only that, but he included very important elements that I wanted, even in the cheapest packages. Things such as having more than 1 camera, editing, and recording the entire wedding: ceremony AND reception. Everything is completely flexible, like the ability to add on extra hours for a reasonable cost.

I am so excited that we just might actually have a videographer at the wedding. I never planned on this and it was not something I thought of until recently. We will be meeting with this potential videographer very soon and if all goes well, we will hopefully be booking him

What is your take on videography? Important or not important?

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