Tuesday, August 30, 2011

What To Shoe

There are many things that I could talk about today, but the winner is going to be shoes. You see, besides receiving a marriage proposal and an engagement ring for Christmas, Mr.Buck did not want that to be an actual Christmas gift. So, he also got me Christmas presents as well. Generous, right? One of them being a gift card to Nordstrom. I knew immediately what I wanted to buy. SHOES. Long ago in a far away land, I saw a pair of shoes at Nordstrom that were mind blowing. Yes, I am going to exaggerate that much because they were so fantastic. They were sparkly little things, and I said to myself, "Doe, Where would you ever wear these shoes?" The only place I could ever think that would need such incredible shoes would be my wedding. So sure enough after I was engaged and had a Nordstrom gift card in hand, I went and bought those shoes. It was my first wedding purchase, and I had them even before I got my dress.

{Personal photo}

Well being that I have a wandering eye for shoes, I began to notice other incredibly beautiful shoes. Come on, you do it too. Nothing had yet to make me second guess my shoe purchase until I came across these ruffled beauties.

{Image via SHEfinds}

I.am.short.of.breath. How much more girly, lovely, soft and feminine can you get? On top of that, the soles are blue. These seem to be the perfect wedding shoe. So what's my problem? I love both shoes. The ruffle shoes I think will look better with my dress, but the sparkly ones are just so eye poppingly fabulous. Also you won't exactly see my shoes under my dress, so does it really matter if it matches? What do I do?  It is a tough decision. Really, it is. In the wise words of Marilyn Monroe:

"Give a girl the right shoe, and she can conquer the world."
Help a girl out! The sparkly little things or the ruffled beauties?

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