Wednesday, April 4, 2012

My Re-updated Updated Project

Although my cork board collage was headed in the right direction, it still had not met its final destination. I was still bummed out that I wasn't able to add burlap over the cork. Until my post last week about my updated project, Hive member LK2511 suggested that I use a credit card to push the burlap underneath the frame. I thought I could give that a shot. Since I am at it, I might as well change up the whole thing.

It suddenly hit me that I should add words to the board with wooden letters. That way it will match the look of my table numbers. I decided to also remove the pictures of us when we are younger, because it was no longer relevant to what I was trying to achieve.

I first cut a large piece of burlap and put it over the board. I took a credit card and started pushing the burlap underneath the frame...and what do ya know, it worked! I did take an exacto knife afterwards though to tidy it up a bit.

As for the words I wanted to add, I decided to use 'Better Together' since that is our first dance song. I painted these letters to match the frame of the board. I also decided to add photo corners to all of the photos to give it a finished look.

I was using tacky dots for all of this. I thought this was a great idea. That is until I came in the next morning and my project looked like this:

I instantly pictured the wicked witch from Wizard of Oz, screaming "i'm melting, i'm melting!"

I had to reevaluate since something stronger was needed to bond my project together. I ended up using mod podge and that worked beautifully. I slathered it on the back of the letters, and just lightly brushed it on the photos.

Here is the FINAL cork board collage. I promise you, I am done now. Unless you have any other suggestions for me?

Okay no, please don't. I can't do this to myself again.

What do you think of my re-updated updated project? Have you drove yourself crazy trying to perfect a particular project?

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