Wednesday, September 7, 2011

A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To The Bridal Salon

I finally received the call that I had been waiting three months for. My dress was in. I instantly started emailing/calling/stalking my bridal party. Nobody other than my mom and sister had seen my dress yet so it was important to me to have my bridal party with me. I immediately cleared a date and time with all of my girls. It takes almost and hour to get to the bridal salon from where I live, so we had to leave soon after we all got off work. I had just enough time to run home, change out of my work clothes and throw on some jeans, eat some dinner, grab my heels and camera and head to my mom and dad's house where everyone was meeting. 

This was what needed to happen:

This was what happened:

You see, a funny thing happened on the way to the bridal salon. I rushed home after work, ran up to my front door and turned the door knob. The door did not open. I pushed it real hard, it did not budge. I soon realized that the dead bolt had been locked from inside the house, and there is no key to the dead bolt. Someone must have locked it and left through the garage. I quickly ran to my backyard and scoped out any cracked windows or unlocked side doors. Nada. I was completely locked out of my house. I was going to find a way in. There is no stopping a bride when she is trying to make her way to a bridal appointment. I did a once over on the side door of my house and my warped bridal brain decided that yes, I could break down this door. I tried to kick it in. Who did I think I was, the entire police department?

{Image via: Yooper News}

Mind you, I was in heels. After almost breaking my big toe, I realized it was useless. I had to go or else I would be late. I drove over to my mom and dad's house and explained what had happened. I was frazzled to say the least.  They told me to calm down. My dad said it's not a big deal, I didn't need all of that stuff anyhow. I then proceeded to tell him that I have blue underwear on, and everyone is going to see it through my white dress, this was a big deal! He offered to let me borrow some of his white underwear. Dad humor, the best kind. 

Everyone showed up to my mom and dad's house and we made it to my appointment on time. Once we were there and I saw my dress my mood was quickly lightened and I had a blast. I also learned that blue underwear does not show though a wedding dress. Who knew? My dress looked beautiful, and we may have even found a potential bridesmaid dress. More on that later.

Moral of the story, things do not always go as planned. You just have to roll with the punches and everything will be just dandy. For the record though, Mr.Buck examined the door I tried to bust down--- he said I made it about halfway. Not bad for a girl in heels.

Give me your best story, who else has
had a ridiculous curve ball thrown their way?
How did you handle it?

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