Thursday, November 15, 2012

So Long, Farewell

I buzzed in 14 months ago with the Sound of Music so I found it only appropriate to buzz on out with the Sound of Music. :)

Hive, it's been fun but my time here has come to an end. When I first started blogging as a bee, I had no idea how this little world would end up shaping certain aspects of my wedding. Like when I didn't know what to do about my cork board collage (or pretty much all my other projects). It looked terrible the way I originally had it, but you all gave me some fantastic tips and tricks and suddenly it morphed into a great project. Or when my first hair trial turned out to be a hot mess, you helped me out and guided me to a better option. How about the time I accidentally got locked out of my house when I was suppose to be going to pick up my dress? You offered up some of your own "uh oh" moments that were equally as hilarious.

Another one was when I thought our koozies would be trashy and you all supported my slightly redneck yet totally awesome decision to have them anyway.

All of your comments and helpful suggestions truly meant so much to me. I lit up every time I received a notification that I had a new comment and I took to heart all of your advice, love and sometimes constructive criticism.

My wedding may not have been ultra trendy or fantasically Style Me Pretty-ish (is that a word?) I'm just a normal little lady who encountered the same issues that probably a lot of you are encountering. I don't know why I was chosen as a bee, someone must have liked something I said. But, i'm glad I was given the opportunity and I hope you enjoyed my story as much as I enjoyed telling it.

Although our wedding day was one of the best days of our life, it is now a beautiful memory and we are happy to be back to "normal" life.

My only word of advice is to heed the words of one of my favorite dudes, Ferris Bueller. "Life moves pretty fast, if you don't stop to look around once in awhile you could miss it."

You have heard that said time and again, but it is true so there's just one more reminder. The engagement, wedding and honeymoon- it will be over before you know it. Drink it in and enjoy every little moment.

Much Love,

Mrs. Doe

-or as the real world knows me-


*Photos by Martin's Photography

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