Thursday, September 13, 2012

We Do(e): We Promise to Laugh

When it came to our ceremony, for awhile I was at a bit of a loss. I wanted it customized to us, I wanted it short, but I didn't know how to go about that. I thought that maybe wedding ceremonies had to include certain elements to make them official? I was not entirely sure, I haven't been to many weddings. After much research I came to realize that we really could do anything we wanted. From there I started to read everything I could on wedding ceremonies and pulled out certain pieces I liked. I had brainstormed all different words, saying, verses, prayers, quotes that I thought would work well. From there I took them to Mr. Buck and asked for his input and he was able to narrow down the list. From there I continued to write our ceremony all by my little self.

I've shared a lot on Weddingbee, and while I love you all dearly, I plan to keep what was said during our ceremony between us and those that attended. I do hope you understand, but I will outline a few bits and pieces.

My dad had practiced over and over the perfect response for when the officiant asked "who gives this bride away?" So naturally, my dad nailed it with "her mother and I do."

From there our officiant opened in a word of prayer asking for our savior to bless this day and for us to remember there is nothing more precious than the gift of loving each other. 

Our vows were pretty short and very straight forward. In fact it was only one sentence and more details and customization were actually put into our ring exchange. Unconventional? Maybe. But, it just seemed to work well for us.

During our ring exchange we did promise to always make one another laugh. It's something we're good at it, so might as well promise it during the most important promise of our life.

Our ceremony was a whole 15 minutes tops, including the processional. While we may not have had fancy rituals, like a sand ceremony or wine box ceremony, we stayed true to ourselves by keeping it simple. It was indeed short and sweet, but Mr. Buck and I wrote every word of it.

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