Tuesday, August 14, 2012

We Do(e): Bridal Portraits and Bridesmaid Photos

I know that there are many brides out there that set aside time specifically for bridal portraits. To be completely honest, I didn't even think about that. I was more concerned about photos with my bridesmaids beforehand. Luckily though my photographer was equally as interested in getting photos of just me in addition to group photos which means I ended up with a plethora of bridal portraits. We basically strung bridal shots in while we were also taking photos with the bridesmaids.

We set aside an hour and a half for photos for the girls but realistically we had about 45 minutes since we started to run slightly behind schedule. If I can give you some advice, make sure you give yourself ample time before the wedding starts to take photos. I am someone that typically schedules everything by the minute, which is a good and bad thing. I really should have allowed more time for this, but alas it all worked out in the end.

Once we were all ready we headed downstairs to start with photos in the gorgeous ballroom. It was so beautiful and I thought to myself, too bad we aren't having any part of the wedding in here. Little did I know that the weather would soon take a turn and at some point in the evening we would in fact all end up in this room.

One of my most favorite goofy photos of us girls. Silly ladies trying to squeeze my booty.

One of the few photo requests my parents had was one of me looking back at myself in the mirror and one where I am walking up the stairs. Those two sure have an eye for detail.

After the indoor shots were complete we headed out into the (still sunny) outdoors for some rustic photo-ops. 

As you can see, we did not have much of a plan...we just kind of went with it. However, I think it turned out well! It also doesn't hurt that my bridesmaids are ridiculously good looking. (Blue Steel anyone)?

Do you plan to to devote some time solely for bridal portraits? Are there any specific poses that you want to make sure and strike?

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