Thursday, February 9, 2012

Super Awesome Songs

Creative title, right? Let me explain further.
You know those songs that aren't technically a one hit wonder, nor are they necessarily a guilty pleasure? They are those songs that when they come on in a bar, a party, or a wedding....everyone gets up and dances?

I am talking matter if they are young or old, male or female, their preference on toilet paper being hung over (right way) or under (wrong way.) You get my drift, they are simply...super awesome songs. If these songs come on, there is no way they can stay seated. They must dance.

They are usually featured in movies as well.

Here are a few examples:

Ferris Bueller at the parade singing Twist and Shout. When this song comes on at a wedding, you bet everyone is going to get up to dance.

{Video via You Tube}

Who doesn't love Bennie and the Jets? Whenever this song comes on, you know everyone is going to get up and sing the wrong lyrics together. A shining example is the bar scene from 27 Dresses.

{Video via You Tube}

You also can't forget Old Time Rock and Roll, if this song comes know you're going to party. Don't try and tell me you haven't tried to mimic Tom Cruise in Risky's okay, we've all done it. 

{Video via You Tube}

You see, the only way to describe these songs are that they are super awesome. Anybody will get up and dance to these songs. I've added these three songs to my list for my DJ to play, and I am on a quest to find some more.

What songs can you think of to play at a wedding that would get even the must stubborn person get up and dance? 

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