Monday, December 12, 2011

The Piggy Bank

I know I mentioned here that my first wedding purchase was shoes. Technically that is not true. It was my first big purchase, but truth be told my first purchase for the wedding was actually a piggy bank.

Yes, a piggy bank. Two days after our engagement I was at the Hallmark store and I found this:

You know that phase you go through soon after your engagement where you buy ANYTHING that might say "wedding", "bride", or "groom" on it? Yeah, I was definitely in that phase. I bought everything. (Because apparently I really needed that Bride key chain? I know. Lame.)

However, this wedding fund piggy bank came in handy recently. For almost a year now I have been randomly dropping change in it when I think of it. I wasn't very consistent, so it took awhile to fill it up. This past weekend I realized it was probably time to head on over to the Coinstar machine at the grocery store and cash it in. 

Mr. Buck and I took bets on how much we thought was in the jar. His guess was $7, mine was $13. 

We were both wrong. This is how much it came out to:

For those of you who are math challenged like I am and don't want to count, that would be $34.43. Not bad, right?

My thinking is that "wedding fund" money can only be used towards wedding things. I don't want to just waste it on any ol' thing. I know some of you are wondering what on earth I could buy for the wedding with such little money.While it may not be a large amount of money, it's still more money in my pocket than what I had yesterday. I am determined to find something for the wedding that I can buy with that money. 

Have any of you found a creative way to save money for your wedding?

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