Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Ooo Take The Money And Run

Every wedding I have ever been to, there has been a money dance. For those of you who aren't aware of what this is, basically your guests slip you some cash in order to dance with you until the next person comes along. While the idea is great because the couple can use the cash on their honeymoon, I have always secretly balked at this idea.

At the last wedding we were at, Mr. Buck and I completely forgot about the money dance. Neither of us had any cash on us. We only had our ATM cards, which of course did us no good. We awkwardly stood around while others were lining up to dance with the bride. Quite frankly, we felt really bad that we forgot to grab cash. (In our defense though, we did bring a pretty sweet gift.)

I made a bold proclamation to Mr. Buck that there will be NO money dance at our wedding. I had good reasoning to back this up too. People already will be taking time to come to our wedding, possibly with a gift, and I do not want them to feel like they need to give us money to dance with me. I assumed Mr. Buck was on the same page as me...but apparently not. He completely disagreed with me and said that our guests will want to participate in the money dance.

Why do I feel like I am being pimped out by my fiance? I suggested that he do the money dance and people can pay to dance with him. His only response was nope, it doesn't work that way.

All joking aside, I can see where he is coming from. It's tradition, everybody does it.  We have been the buyer in many money dance situations, now it's our turn to have fun. The flip side of that is I don't want people to feel awkward or feel like they have to participate. I also don't want to look, dare I say it...tacky.

I started to do some research to figure out the history of the money dance. From what I have found, this tradition started in Poland and has made its way around the globe. In most countries, guests pin money to the brides gown.

{Image via The Not Blog}

There will be zero pinning of any sharp object on my gown. In America though, most brides wear a purse of some sort for people to put money in.

A spin on this tradition is also called the dime dance. You can have a bowl near the dance floor full of dimes. If your guests want to dance with you they can grab a dime and put it in your purse. If they would like, they can also add some of their own money to that. This seems like it could make things less awkward.

So I need all of your wonderful Hive feedback. What do you think about the money dance? Will you have a money dance at your wedding?

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