Saturday, October 1, 2011

A Cupcake For A Bridesmaid

I know what you all are thinking by now...Uh, Doe, don't you have any friends or anything? What about a bridal party? Yes I do, and they are AWESOME. Let me introduce you to these very important ladies.

Sister Doe is my Maid of Honor.

Yup, we look nothing alike. But at the same time, we are so alike. Our mannerisms and everything that we love in life are basically the same. We are goofballs together and she understands my quirks better than anyone. This girl is a hippie at heart and a lover of all things Disney. She is the middle child and my best friend.

Up next is Bridesmaid C. We have known each other since we were toddlers and lived down the street from each other. We were in swim lessons, girl scouts, school, band and many other activities together. We both both share a love of San Francisco, '90s boy bands, and Saved By The Bell. She is hilarious and you can always find us together laughing about something.

Meet Bridesmaid K. We were born 2 weeks a part, and so we have known  each other our entire lives.
We also share the same first and middle name (wasn't done on purpose, of course.) We both did many years of girl scouts together, and were cheerleaders in high school. We are lifelong friends, and she is one of the sweetest people in the world.

This next photo is too funny not to share. Here I am at my 5th birthday party with both Bridesmaid C and K at my side. Why they look so unhappy, I have no idea. They are probably super worried I wouldn't give them any of my Little Mermaid cake. I do get a little bit feisty when it comes to cake. Especially frosting.

They look much happier now. Probably due to the vino.

Last but not least is bridesmaid A who is my future sister in law. She was 7 years old when her brother and I met. Needless to say I have been around to watch her grow up. This girly is spunky and all around just a fabulous person. I look forward to being her sister, she needs one with 3 brothers!

Looking back, I wish I had done more when asking them to be in my bridal party. Like craft some fun and sneaky plan that would induce loads of screams and laughter. Alas, the excitement over took me and all I had up my sleeve were cupcakes. I had our local bakery make one for each of them asking if they would be my Maid of Honor/Bridesmaid.

All of these girls hold a very special place in my heart and I am so lucky to have them in my life. I am looking forward to all of the shenanigans that will be taking place with them over the next 8 months before the wedding.

How did you ask your bridal party members to be in your wedding?

{All photos are personal}

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